Cheaterbowl 2015

Welcome to Cheater bowl 2015!

So everyone now knows the Patriots cheated. Tom Brady obviously was involved and oversaw the deflating of his team’s footballs. It is doubtful this was just a onetime only thing and they probably have been doing this for a while but finally got caught.

Just terrible.

However, this action pales in comparison to what is going on the other side of the ball. The Seahawks are masters of cheating. They have perfected and institutionalized it. The Seahawks cheated so badly in the Super Bowl last year they forced the league to adopt sweeping preseason pass interference rules that lead to a record setting number of preseason penalties for teams. This was all the result of the Seahawks interfering on every play last  year, daring the refs to call it. The refs blinked and the Seahawks cheated their way to a trophy.

So we are left with choosing between these two cheaters on whom to cheer for: the ones who broke off field rules to gain a small edge or the ones who abused the core tenants of the game challenging the integrity of the sport.

The choices are clear:

  1. If you want to win, you must cheat.
  2. You should cheer for the lesser of the two infractions, so:
  3. Go Patriots!!!

go patriots