Iowa: Worst state in the Union?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Enjoy these few days California, you are off the hook, for now. Stop smiling New Jersey.

Yes, Iowa is currently the worst state in the union. It is full of selfish braggerts with massive ego mania complexes. They also don’t care about poor people and enable America’s enemies.

That is a very harsh critism, but lets lets look at the facts. First off, why do they constantly move their caucus date up? Why must they be first? When more representive states try to make the election process more in line with the vast majority of the electorate, Iowa throws a hissy fit. And then the parties cave in and cut the delegates!

We end up with this redicilous situation where someone like Rick Santorum or Ron Paul could win this state and become a legitimate candidate for the Republican nomination. Come on son. 120,000 people will causus in Iowa on Tuesday to pick a winner.How do they have so much power? They will be 90% white versus 60% in the general case. They also 60% Evangelical Christians. I hate California as much as the next guy, but if that state was first we would have a much more balanced candidate who represents the majority of Americans.

The media is feeding this system by 24/7 coverage and the candidates do everything to back fill the system. They all pander to these people. A straw poll getting headlines when you buy the votes? Come on son.

When candidates like Rudy Giuliani or Jon Huntsman try to stand up to this disgusting behavior they get blackballed.New Hampshire is barely any better but at least it is a bit more representive. Iowa also has a terrible track record for the nominated candidate, performing no better than a coin toss. They chose Pat Robertson. PAT ROBERSON! Huckabee was a nice guy, but he was not fit be president.

Now lets look at some of the damage. This ethanol fiasco has created unnatural demand dramicatilly hurting food prices, especially in corn heavy eating places like mexico. This servered as a very repressive tax. Part of the Arab spring was a direct result high food prices.

You have blood on your hands Iowans. Who in their right minds can advoicate a policy of burning food? FOOD. (Especially if you did even a tiny bit of reseach you would find there are much better ways to make ethonal.)

It is disgusting and direct result of pandering to the state of Iowa because they are first in the presidential election cycle. You are really feeding the enemies of America.

There is a simple way to fix all this mess which I will post as another blog, but basically you have four primary days with a random distribution of 25 states every 2 or 3 weeks. This would be inclusive and will not result is such pandering. More mainline candidates would prosper that will result in better presidents. Isn’t that what we all want?

So make a pledge. Don’t vote for the winner in Iowa, especially if it is a Paul, Santorum or Bachmann. Keep showing up Iowa for the selfish, death enablers that they are. Their behavior is disgusting and for a state that claims to be full of Christians they exhibit the most anti-Christian behavior.