Real War on Women

So by now everyone has heard of Obama’s farcical war on women. This has pretended to rial up a few people but really no puts any gravitas on this.

However what if you were to wage a real war on women? Here is how I would do it:

Step 1: Pass the Equal Rights Amendment. This was a very popular feminist movement coming out of the 1970s. It was killed by middle class housewives who realized this might put an end to their free ride.

A couple of awesome things would come from this:

  1. Equal pay for all under the Constitution.
  2. Equal divorce laws. Right now in most states women are treated unfairly in divorce law, meaning that all the laws are rigged to benefit them. Men even if in similar pay and social status almost always pay support.
  3. No more discrimination in college admissions. Right now women are about 55% of the college population. We should force this to be 50%, even if it means less qualified men are admitted over more qualified women. This is about fairness and equality and the way to make that a reality is via quotas.

Step 2: Make women required to register for selective service. It is not fair that women are not eligible for the draft. They should be forced to be able to be drafted and they should be eligible for combat operations just like their male counterparts.Women have been getting a free ride here for 1000s of years. It is time for them to step up and share the burden.

Step 3: Women live a lot longer than men. We need to change this via more specific research on men’s health problems and more money spent to keep men alive longer for no reason. Women should also be pushed into careers will lower life spans that men typically dominate today.

How is that for a war on women? I suspect a lot of this a feminist from 1972 might agree on or even be shocked at how much the cause of advancement of women in America has changed over the last 40 years.

You see women’s movements today don’t have much left to fight for so they seek relevancy. They won the social war and they have flipped the equation in the economic war to where all future success factors favor women overwhelmingly. But these groups want to eat their cake and bake it too.

Men of course go along with this for obvious reasons. However keep putting frivolous wars and false claims of inequality on men and they will start to look around and start saying “really?” You can’t trust a group when they turn substance into hyperbole, it is the proverbial calling of the wolf and the results won’t be good.

More men will stay away from marriage and responsibility. More kids won’t have Dads be there for them as men shrink away. Relationships will become more and more superficial and less committed.

None of that is good for society but it is the real legacy of these false wars on women.

Of course then if that all happens men can get robots (thanks Japan!) and women can become lesbians. Hopefully I will be dead by then.