Oscars 2012

I’ve only seen one of the nominees and that was Moneyball. It was excellent. I fully support it winning. I only want to see two of the other films – Hugo and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. I might watch The Help. I want to make sure I never see The Artist, The Tree of Life, and War Horse. I am cheering hard against these last three. Especially The Artist.

Know what that tells me? The Artist is going to win. None of my movies ever do well at the Oscars. So if you are betting, put the farm on The Artist or perhaps hedge with The Tree of Life. I have no frickin clue what that movie is or why it was nominated.

Otherwise work on your outrage for when Moneyball and Brad Pitt get shafted at the Oscars.

Get ready for my 10 – 20 delayed tweeting Sunday night. Should be amazing!