The iPhone is dead! Rejoice!

The iPhone is beat. Trashed. In recession. Hanging out with Mitt Romney. It will never come back. We have won a great victory that needs to be heralded. You see it is now down to 15% of the market, with Android phones now accounting for about 75% of the market with 91.5% growth in a market that grew 46.4. Amazing!

Don’t believe me: Read up. I don’t make up happiness of this sort; I just live it.

Now the question is: What happened? How can something so totally awesome come to be? The answer is the growth rate of the market. In the past there were two markets: regular cell phones and smart phones. Apple always made the best smart phone up until 2011 when they had their Gettysburg / Midway moment and the Galaxy entered our milieu. In the past Apple dominated joke smart phones like the Symbian. Android reached parity with version 2 and then a mighty war broke out over features and price. Apple lost the price war and while they maintained their users pretty well, they lost the people coming over from the regular phone market.

The empirical evidence of this should be obvious to you. Go anywhere where normal people are who are not elitist tech fan boys (SF is right out, yo), say the Greenbrier , and look around. I am sure will see way more Android phones than Apple ones.

The salt of the earth honest folk chose Android over the elite Rush Limbaugh Apple user types. (Yes, Rush is a massive Apple fan, deal with it Mac Boy.) They chose based on bang for the buck, like they do with most everything. And for what they do, I suspect they are content and happy, just like us high end Android users are very happy with our phones and Apple users are happy with their phones.

There is little out there that will reverse the course of this unless Apple changes it’s spots and want to make a cheap phone. Do you see that happening? Didn’t think so.  Of course Windows Phone could come along and bite into the Android market and cause… Just kidding. You windows phone users are so adorable with your doubling of market share to be actually listed outside “other” now. If you see a windows phone user out in the wild, make sure to take a picture, they are as rare as Big Foot.

It has taken at least 4 years of constant battle to reach this point, but I think we can declare V-Android day. Go kiss a nurse. The war isn’t over though. The iPad is still out there getting stronger and the Mac book is an amazing piece of hardware. I had great hopes for Windows 8 cutting into this market but then I used Windows 8. Ugh, I hate having you on our side Microsoft. You’re the French.

We will have regroup and keeping working, forging ahead, fighting the good fight. It might take another 4 years, another 10 years but we must believe this beast can be beaten. The iPhone was first, (well really the Mac was first and android did the same thing to beat the iPhone that Intel/Microsoft did 15 years ago to win. ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOURSELF MICROSOFT!!!!), so the path to victory is out there. It just needs to be followed.

This should be inspiring: