Brier Archive

Welcome to the Brier Archive. Contained in here are posts based on years on Brier emails. The best mails have been separated from the chaff and turned into posts for all to read.

It will take some time to get all the posts up from the existing half decade of mails, so keep checking back. New Brier mails with commentary however will be posted with a day or two of publication.  (Nation members get first reads.) These posts however will be put into the new blog categories with a note it came from a Brier mail.

You might be asking, what is the Brier? The Brier is the greatest little bar in Fort Lauderdale. A night there is the best time you most likely will ever have. Especially if I am there.

And what is the Brier Nation? It is collection of elite individuals who partake in the ultimate challenge of mankind: Darts. Nothing requires such endurance at such fun levels executing with such accuracy and precision while consuming so much alcohol like darts. Nothing.We meet every Wednesday at the Brier so if you are around, drop by and then you too might be able join up.

Check out the Nation’s wiki here. (Nation members only. Sorry.)

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