
So, is this just some typical blog with someone who thinks their views are smarter and more interesting than everyone else’s?


Wait.. I mean no! This site is anything but typical. It covers topics people rarely talk about like politics or sports. When I go looking for commentary on these types I find a lot of talking points but rarely to do I see anything intelligent. That is where I come in. What I will do is make you think about things in different ways and have a good time doing it.

If you liked the show Connections, you will love this site and understand its origins.




If you like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you will love this site.

Ms Black






If you understand why people play Rebecca Black every Friday at work very loudly, you will love this site.

A love of 80’s music and all things 80’s also will help. It doesn’t get any better than 1980’s.




If you like South Park, you will love this site.

If you hate: The Dallas Cowboys, Apple and it’s cult followers, the Boston Celtics, the LA Lakers, New York (the city and its teams), and Hippies you will love this site. Even if you for some misguided reason like the above crap you still might love this site because it is really funny.

And if you aren’t into any of those things, go read the Politics section. At least then you might get educated and vote correctly.

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