Plan on Supporting the US 2014 World Cup team? Then you are a MURDERER

As you may or may not know, the World Cup of Soccer will be played this year in Brazil. (If you didn’t know, congrats – you are a patriot.) What Brazil has done in order to host these games is criminal. They have oppressed and murdered their own citizens in order to have a few balls bounce around on a field. It is disgusting and beyond reprehensible.

If you support the games, including supporting the US National Team, then you support the regime that did this. You are no better than they are. You might as well go to the Brazil club up on Sample next to the Port-something and open fire. There is no difference between the two. NONE.

Supporting soccer in Brazil means you are an accomplice to MURDER of the 1st degree. When you see someone supporting this endeavor, call them what they are – murderers. Cold blooded killers.

The World Cup is unlike the Olympics. When the Olympics are hosted in a totalitarian regime like China or Russia it is opportunity for freedom lovers worldwide to enter those countries and demonstrate the sweet taste of freedom and how amazing it is by having the US crush the local team in the medal count. Those are medals of freedom raining down on the cold hand of oppression.

The Soccer world cup is organized to celebrate an activity that is an anathema to freedom – Soccer. No one who loves freedom excels at Soccer, well, the USA Women’s team does because they win gold medals, but no one else. Prime athletes are out playing Football and Basketball – the sports of freedom. Is it a surprise that as the USA has gotten better at Soccer, our freedoms have diminished? There is a direct correlation between how many drones and NSA spying programs we have to the number of international victories the US has won in soccer.

You will know the USA has become the US of Amerika or the USSA when this country final wins a world cup. That will be the final breaking point where the only option will be armed revolution. Everything you hold scared will be dead and rotting at the bottom the Grand Canyon. This is just how unfreedom loving soccer is. It also gives your kids brain damage from the constant head collisions.

To Summarize:

  1. Soccer = anathema to Freedom.
  2. Brazil repressed and murdered their people to sponsor soccer games.
  3. Support for the Brazil games is support for murder.
  4. Support for the US team in the world cup is supporting Brazil.
  5. Therefore supporting the US Soccer team is supporting murder.

Do you want to be an accomplice to murder? Is that what lives in your heart? Then get behind this vile team, otherwise stand up for freedom and boycott these games!

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