Memories of the Before Time

It is said that in the Before Time a great game existed.
A game played with samurai blades strapped to men’s feet.
Blades so sharp they forced the players into massive suits of armor,
Lest one cut befell a man.

They would fly over ice on mighty wings,
All battling in a massive ring of glass,
With fans chanting and screaming as if in a dome of thunder.

The game was played by men from the north,
These were toughest of the tough.
So tough they would lose teeth,
Beat each other senseless,
and then show up the next night and do it all again.

They carried massive sticks,
And shot projectiles at each other with lightning speed.
These men were predators of each other,
With only one goal in mind:
To be kings, so they could drink deeply from a giant cup.

There is told of a legend though.
Of a mighty girl who challenged the men.
“Cindy, Cindy!” the fans would chant.
She fought the men, and bested them at first.
But then the men found new champions,
And the girl was routed, reduced to a sniveling cry baby,
And lo, the world rejoiced as she was banished.

This was a world of hurricanes,
Where Senators and would rattle Sabres,
Where Rangers would fight wild coyotes and Panthers.
But what has happened to such an amazing game?
To such a world
How can it be gone?

If only we knew.
If only we knew.
Ah, the before time how we miss you.

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