Poor Little Cougars







Utah – You are on the list. What kind of message are you sending by denying the lovable cougar mascothood? Does this imply that existing cougar schools are somehow full of 40+ women preying on the student population? What’s next? Will the Orangemen have to change their name because of the association with John Boehner? And don’t get me started on the University of South Carolina. Or the College of Charleston. Or even the College of Computing. Should students be discouraged from attending these fine institutions? (Well, maybe the University of South Carolina.)

What message is being sent to these kids? Last time I checked BYU was the home of the Cougars. Does this mean this high school should break off ties with the most famous and popular school in the state of Utah? Of course not. What does this say about Jimmer Fredette? Did he go to BYU just for the hunting? Poor Jimmer, tainted for life.

Let’s get these school administrator’s minds out of the gutter and restore the proud status and reputation of the mighty cougar.

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